October 14, 2007

Wii night

Hardly recovered from last weekends horse back riding, last friday another sporty event was scheduled, my Wii-night. We met up at the flat of one colleague where I attached my Wii player to his TV and whilst eating lots of crisps and spring roll's we started battling each other. My boxing and tennis performances were not exactly of a high standard, but playing it is loads of fun. There should exist a video of me now, hopefully it will not be spread around the office...

Me, Koen, Radka, Ricardo, Tuur, (my sister, father and mother) and Sanjaka.

Making the Mii characters was the first step of the evening of course. There was some urge to create one ofour boss to use in certain sport events, but we withheld ourselves from this, being the good employees that we are. :P
I really enjoyed the night anyway, I could win the large majority (if not all...) of the games which you needed some skills at playing Wii for and the company and food was good. ^^ My arms did hurt a lot afterwards, as did my mouth muscles from laughing when seeing the others play and yell at the TV.

Tuur and Sanjaka boxing, Ricardo and Koen playing tennis,
followed by Radka and I also doing the latter

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