When a colleague asked me on Friday how sporty I was and if I had plans for the next day, part of lazy me was looking for an excuse. When hearing the being sporty part was actual
ly referring to a three hour horse back riding trip, immediately all doubt dissapeared. :P With blazing sun and not a single cloud in the sky, a group of about 10 co-workers left to a region about 50 km from Antwerp, where fields and forests are more common than the streets and buildings you have here. All of us were assigned to an easy going horse and off we went on our trip. Most of us had never sat on a horse before, so some nerves were certainly there, including for me as it had been ten years since I rode myself.
Me on my horse for the day "Kira" and the others on theirs
During the entire ride only happy faces were to be seen, everyone enjoyed themselves incredibly much and all kept saying what a great idea it had been to come. After a while the group started trying to go into trotting and most of us managed quite well, though it again was proven that women seem to be more talented horse riders. :P During the ride I tried to gallop as well, but that only succeeded for a very short time as my horse didn't seem to understand what I wanted her to do and just kept doing what she preferred as a faster walk...
Half way we stopped for some drinks in the forest and already then people started to realise how bad we were going to feel the next day. My butt was sore and as was everyone elses. :P Not to mention other muscles we didn't knew we had so I think Monday will be a funny day in the office for some. :P When we arrived back at the stables, all of the women were walking like men and the men themselves were all stumbling as well. We managed to reach the cars again and drove of to a nearby restaurant, where some tried out the speciality of the region "Steppegrass". This basically is a huge pile of very fine sliced fries and somewhere underneath a steak should be found. Quite an impressive dish but I chose pasta...
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