November 04, 2007

A taste of victory

Due to some technical issues (this including a broken camera ;) ) my post about my Disneyland trip will have to wait a little while longer, so I tought I could already write about last Tuesday evening. I was invited to Sofies house for a Catan night, together with 5 (ex) colleagues of hers. What us awaited there was a table filled with tasty stuff, cookies, candies, loads of tea and the master piece, a big and incredibly good chocolate cake... The cake was partly meant for the night itself and partly for the upcoming birthday of one of her colleagues, but most of all it was just very tasty. ;)

Regarding the game, four of us already knew it so I teamed up with An Sofie from Sweden who would throw the dice whilst I thought about our strategy. :P And of course, my endless online Catan games with Pablo brought the result I longed for, we won. :P I really enjoyed the night, not only due to my victory of course. Now duty calls, I have to go and help bake three cakes for tomorrow at work. Yep, Kat is getting old, 24 in just a couple of hours....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

3 taarten!!!! Ge zijt bijna 24,beetje op uw gezondheid beginnen letten he, it`s all downhill from here.
Pff, wa zeg ik allemaal, geniet er maar van, de enige desserten die ze hier hebben zijn vieze engelse sponge cakes enzo, een goei stukse belgische patisserie zou ik ook ni laten liggen ;-)

bij deze alvast ne gelukkige xxx