January 10, 2008

It's alive

After too many complaints, I also realise that it's been ages since I wrote here and that I have too many things to recap.

So... I'll start where I left of which was the week of Grants visit and my spanish exam. The exam was a big succes as most of you know, so I won't brag much more about it here. ;) Grants stay here was also really cool, even though he finished my new Wii game before I could... The days when I was free from work I joined my sister and him on some touristic excursions to Ghent and the Antwerp city centre. Otherwise we mainly watched movies, played Wii and introduced him to all kinds of scary foreign food. ;) It was his first solo trip and I do think we took good care of him. :) Something we almost never did, was make pictures, so it's pretty hard to post any here... The only one I got is the following one, but we both look a little bit weird on it to be honest... But the sun was shining and we were having fun. ^^

When Grant left my free days of that week weren't all over yet, as Charlotte was back in the country for a while and I had planned a full day together. Starting with a fancy brunch near the river in Antwerp, followed by a couple of hours of sauna and gossip. That same evening I had a goodbye party from a colleague in a karaoke bar (stupid pics exist of me singing, haven't got them just yet. ;P) and the next day a movie night followed with Charlotte and other friend Hannah. It's useless to say I did not get much sleep that weekend...

I can't really recall much more of the two next weeks, probably cause I just spent them at work and looking forward to my holidays. ^^ And they finally arrived around noon of December 14th, when I left work to go home and start packing or attempting to do so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

zoals je het kunt lezen is het hier wel een komen en gaan geweest eerst Grant,dan Charlotte en dan Victor,een goed taalbad voor mij.Geniet nog van uw vrije dagen met o.a met Sophie patekes gaan eten,naar personeelsfeest gaan,naar baby-borrel en uw moeder helpen met foto's op de computer te zetten.groetjes mama