January 10, 2008

Kat in Turku once more

The belgian railways were not in favour of it, but strike or no strike, I did get to the airport in time to catch my flight to Helsinki. First time with Finnair for me and apart from the price I can definitely recommend them. I was even served a Christmas special for lunch and received chocolates filled with alcohol on the connecting flight to Turku. ^^

After 2 and a half years, I finally saw Victor again, waiting behind the glass wall in the arrival hall of the airport. It was really incredibly great to meet him again and it felt as if no time had passed since the day we said goodbye in Turku in 2005. Outside Petra was awaiting us in the car to drive us over to Victors place, where we immediatelly went to have tea and glöggi with Heidi, another old friend from those days back then, so it was a very warm welcome indeed. :) The end of the evening we spent at a small party with friends of Victor and eating and chatting with people.

The first half of the week was mainly very dark and foggy outside, no snow, neither rain. Both V and P had exams to study for but luckily they could make some time free to go out to the city centre with me, have lunches and dinners together and just do normal stuff as going for a walk or to the supermarket. Maybe my trips to Turku don't sounds very spectacular, but for me they are always some kind of coming home. ^^

V studying, I found some snow!, Christmas Turku

As last year, I also managed to put my skates in my bags to go to the ice rink with Petra. Victor is not a huge fan of anything that can be done on ice, so he decided not to join us. :P My skates need some sharpening but this time I practised a bit on turning backwards, I am sure I will be a full pro in about 50 years, seeing that I only skate once a year. :P

She's a better skater. :P
On wednesday both their exams were finished, so to celebrate this I first went out to eat giant muffins with Petra. The cafe where they served them didn't exist yet when I lived there and that was probably for the best as all their cakes are huuuge and quite cheap even. In the night I went over again to Victor, to prepare a Venezuelan - Finnish - Belgian home cooked dinner. The rest of the week follows in the next post. ;)

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