December 31, 2006
An interesting year
December 25, 2006

Showing off the gloves...
December 21, 2006
Monotony and mouse issues
Due to the work, I have the impression that the end of the year has come much faster than expected. It's hard to really await the holidays, as they are rather speeding towards me. People tend to say that time flies when you are having fun, but personally I disagree in some way. When I compare my ten holiday days to my last two weeks at work, it feels as if the latter have speeded more. During holidays you do so many different things or at least things you enjoy, so that creates memories. At work however you do the same kind of stuff each and every day, which in the end leaves you with no specific memories at all. If you ask me what I did in Finland I could talk for hours, but if you ask the same about the past two weeks, all I could say is 'work'. :P
Swedish for 'the most piggish or swinish', the way the former owner of mouse nr 3 must have been like. The main shopping street of Stockholm is full of such weird phrases. :)
Well that and an episode which included me and three different computer mice. :P After coming back from holidays I had moved desks and gotten another seat with another computer. Unfortunately the mouse didn't work very well, so I decided to complain and demand another one. Bad plan, the replacement still didn't work properly. So on to mouse number three, which was attached to a computer that is never used. One minute with that mouse made me wonder what on earth had been done with it anyway. The scrolling thingy looked yellow-greenish, with little hairs sticking to it and totally sticky. Absolutely horrible! I was disgusted and even more so when my Spanish neighbour came up with several reasons for why the mouse was in that condition, all just as sickening. And probably even true, which made me shiver even more about having touched it in the first place. :P
As I referred to the shopping street in Stockholm just before, I remember that I tomorrow will go Christmas shopping. Probably on the busiest day of the year. :P What makes it even better is that I don't really know which gifts to buy, so destressing from this work week will not happen tomorrow I think. ;)
Nice empty street in Stockholm...
December 13, 2006
Ten unforgettable days
In Stockholm I met up with Sofie, who is currently working there. I really
And Pablito. We started talking to each other about one year and a half ago and met for real this summer. In the past months we got to know each other better though and therefore I was really looking forward to seeing him back. And it was great. :) We all went skating, shopping, had parties, went swimming and watched movies. Quite normal things, but that's what I wanted in Turku, to feel at home again, rather than being just a tourist. One week was too short in my opinion, as there was so much more I would have wanted to say and do, but I am incredibly happy to have had it. And I won't forget this week, I am sure of that.
November 30, 2006
Home again

Mm, Petra must really be looking forward to having me back as her roomie. :P I try to behave better as a guest of course, but even then my stuff just magically seems to spread itself over the available and unavailable space! Obviously I can not help it. :)
So, now I will have to leave my Viggo (yep, my laptop has a name, just for the network of course ;) )and start packing some stuff! I already put my skates in my bag and to my horror they appear to fill already half of it... Maybe I could save space on warm clothes, Turku seems to be having about 7 degrees, so no snowy weather for Kat apparently. But I'll have a great time anyway. :)
November 24, 2006

November 13, 2006

Team TNT in full force!
At the event we were teamed up with another group of visitors, together making the green team. Some vicious looking others would be building the black team, from that moment on our worst enemies. We were all given an extra or extra extra large overall, making us look very sexy of course, and with it a semi-helmet, covering just our face. Not the back of the head or neck, as we would soon notice and feel. :) Throughout the day different kind of battles would take place, like capturing a flag or guiding our captain into the camp of the enemy. Each game was played twice, so each team could be defender and attacker once. Before noon we were winning each battle easily, but unfortunately the black team was somewhat expanded in the afternoon, putting a stop to our winning streak. In any case, everybody had an absolutely wonderful time, making us forget about the aching bones and soar spots where paint bullets had hit us. Joining the army would have been a disaster for me though, as I already have painful muscles after carrying a gun for some hours and running and hiding in muddy trenches and behind trees.
My best shot of the day must have been the one aimed at my sister. She was of a course a team member, but right before the end of our paint ball wars, I couldn't resist the urge to fire at least one bullet in her direction. It landed neatly on her leg, leaving a beautiful bruise and a grudge against me. :) But then again, that's what sisters are fore, to tease now and then. We have an illegal hobbit sword here at home, so I hope she won't be out for revenge. ;)
November 08, 2006

November 04, 2006

Didn't I look like a professional? :P
October 21, 2006
Luke, I am your Fazer

October 17, 2006
The sun

October 14, 2006
October 07, 2006
Material Girl Part Two
September 29, 2006
Material Girl
September 24, 2006
September 19, 2006
Mi viaje a Madrid y Burgos!
September 13, 2006
Madrid, here I come!
So far I haven't really had time to pack anyway, as I spend this day buying some last minute presents, visiting a friend and right now babysitting. Tomorrow morning might be a little bit stressy, but in a way that's part of a first day of travel. I think so anyway. ;)
For those of you who haven't heard yet, Kat has a job. Indeed, one job interview was enough to convince the employer and myself that I might fit into the company. TNT, logistics and mail is where I will start working from September 25th onward, or at least officially after a six to eight week training period. What my precise function at the company is, will hopefully also become entirely clear to me in about a week, but so far I know that I will be in touch with a number of customers all over Europe, speaking both English and German. Some telephone work is required, as well as email and computer administration. I have no idea whether I will really like my job, but it seems ok for a newly graduate. The company itself employs many young people from different nationalities, like Brazilian, French, Portuguese and so on so that diversity definitely appeals to me. The interviewer made it sound nice in any case, so let's hope he spoke the truth. I will keep you informed in the time to come. :)
Now it is almost time to go home for me, go to bed and have an early rise and shine to pack everything before heading to the station to catch my train to the airport! Hasta luego y nos vemos after my return!
September 10, 2006
At work
If none of this brings me any job though, I might have to consider taking a career in teaching. During our annual lunch with the relatives of my mothers side, this picture with my sisters glasses was taken. I think I show a lot of authority on it, perfect to control a whole classroom of annoying children that aren't interested in the beautiful language that is German...:P Such a pity that my eyes are still in a good shape, glasses would have meant my breakthrough for such a career. :D
September 05, 2006
Freedom...or not

On Sunday I started with my days of gym. The first day was just to introduce myself to the place and see what it had to offer. I also had in mind that I would be going there each of the following days, so complete stiffness was not what I needed. Some running, rowing, cycling, ab-exercises and muscle train machines were the main goals that day. Yesterday however I had time for a class and the one that was given on the hour that fitted me best, was "fatburning". I do not claim I should loose any fat, but it definitely was a tiring class, which made me sweat as never before. Still no painful muscles though, so tonight a class of figure training is scheduled! Also known as BBB, which in English could stand for 'Breasts, butt and belly'. :P Whether I will be able to visit the gym also in the days to come, will however depend on other matters...
Being graduated and not having plans for further studies, time has come to find a real job. So yesterday a friend and I visited about every job agency in Antwerp, telling them what kind of work we were interested in, and more importantly, what sort of stuff we didn't want to do. For me this mainly includes call centers and helpdesks, which unfortunately is the only kind of job I so far have gotten offers for. About five minutes ago however, I was contacted by one agency that found me a job opening where they needed someone with English and German language skills. Tomorrow they want me to come and try out for a day, so in a way this might already mean the end of my so called holidays. :S I do hope it's a nice job, even for just one day. The hours seem to be long though and it's located not really close to where I live. Not by bike anyway, by car it would be ok. ;) I'll see what happens tomorrow, it's not sure they think I am the perfect person for the job and on the other hand it's not sure that I think this is the perfect job for me. :P
September 01, 2006
The first thing I did when I reached home today, was to try and clean my hands! After washing them twice, taking a shower and using two kinds of scrubs, they still felt rough, like real working hands probably. ;) Some norwegian hand cream hopefully will do the job, as I want my soft and chubby hands back. :P
Yesterday I surprised myself (and others) and went to the gym to pay for my ten days of exhaustion. They started yesterday, but I believe I get enough exercise at my work. ;) So from tomorrow onwards I will try to visit it each day and do at least something physical, apart from taking a regular sauna...
August 29, 2006
Four more days
Otherwise I almost dropped a large pile of heavy plastic boxes on top of another student and this afternoon another box just missed a woman by one meter. She's a real witch though, accusing me of having been neglectful and trying to hurt her on purpose... Honestly, if I wanted to hit her, I would have aimed better! ;) And I also broke two bottles of medicine which fell of my trolley as I was trying to maneuver it towards my desk. Unfortunately I first encountered some wall...
August 26, 2006
Life of a cake...
August 19, 2006
Spending money

August 13, 2006
On Saturday we went to see Pirates of the Caribbean II, after having seen the first part again on TV friday night. I liked it. :) Especially Johnny Depp is as good as ever in his part, he totally makes up for Orlando Blooms characters silly interventions. ;) Personally I thought the film had a bit of a slow start, but moving on this changes so in the end it wasn't a disturbing factor anymore.
Yesterday on the other hand I actually did something reasonably useful. As some of you know, I was planning on applying for a translator internship at the EU-headquarters. For this I had to fill out a form on the internet and write down why I wanted to work for the EU and later on why I wanted to work as a translator. I understand they set these requirements, but in the end it is complete rubbish what you write in it. For my Erasmus I also had to write some kind of motivation, but back then five lines filled with twice as many lies or exaggerations would do the job. Plus it was in English, a language in which I feel I am allowed to use preposterous words as I just did. In Dutch however this is completely out of question. So after quite some struggling and backspacing I managed to write two to the point motivational texts containing only a few overstatements and fancy descriptions. I never quite liked my dutch writing skills. The grades of my essays at high school or university that were written in my mother tongue always were considerably lower compared to the ones in a different language. The french ones not included of course, they sucked in any case. :P
One more thing about the application. I do NOT expect to be hired! Apparently the standards for being taken in are quite high, so chances that I actually will make it are very small. Especially not at a first attempt, so this is just something I want to have tried, not something I will plan the rest of the upcoming year upon. It would be quite a job experience though, so I keep my fingers crossed that I manage to send all the documents on time and that they will like my application file. :)
August 09, 2006
The thieves, the thieves...
The filthy little thieves! Where are they with my Precious... ahum, KNIFE I mean! For my very rewarding job as a box opener at the pharmaceutical company, I was given a shiny brand new knife. It carried a tag with my name on it and as I need it during the entire day, I had gotten quite fond of it. As fond as one could become of a knife that is. ;) After my lunch break however, I returned to my 'desk' only to notice that my knife had disappeared, probably taken by some knifeless co worker who was attracted by it's shininess... The result of this thievery is that I now ended up with an ancient replacement, completely rusted and tiny. :( My vengeance will be sweet though.
If I ever get one.
Apart from destroying my fragile hands, feet and back, I have been catching up on quite a few films these past days and weeks. Several were must-sees according to some friends so, being the good girl that I am, I followed some advises and also my own feelings. I ended up watching these:
1) X-Men I: Really liked it, though it was way too short for a modern action movie. Made me want to see the rest of the series.
2) X-Men II: Even better than the first one! No actors with Aragorn-status, but the fact that I didn't miss any, must mean that it's a nice film whatsoever. :P
3) X-Men III: They still showed this one in the cinema, so we had to take advantage of that opportunity. ;) Still nice entertainment, but I missed out on quite a lot of things that made the second installment appeal to me. Again, too short and I felt that the makers wanted to focus too much on the action and special effects, rather than on the characters. Too many redundant deaths as well.
4) Sin City: Not really a film I would have come up with myself to watch, but I have to admit that I enjoyed it. Very different to any other movie I've ever seen, really interesting photography as well.
5) Spirited away: A truly wonderful animated film. I'd seen it for the first time during my stay in Finland, but it definitely was worth a second viewing. To all these people with false prejudices towards Japanese animation movies, go and see it! (And when you are at it, download the anime series "Full metal alchemist" :P Not comparable to the aforementioned film, but it's Japanese as well, so some people unjustly dislike the thought of it.)
6) Howl's moving castle: Made by the same director of "Spirited away" and almost just as beautiful. For those of you who haven't seen it yet, just give it a chance at least. ;)
7) The constant gardener: During summer films are shown near the riverside here in Antwerp and this was one of them. I had intended on watching it for quite a while now, mainly due to the main actor, I admit that. ;) Quite a different film compared to any of the other in this list, but nevertheless very interesting and moving.
8) V for Vendetta: Great film which definitely lived up to my expectations. The photography was also really nice and together with the perfect acting performances it created a unique film. The only disturbing thing is finding out that Nathalie Portman still looks fabulous without hair. :P Life isn't fair. ;)
9) Batman begins: I expected some light entertainment and that is what I received. I enjoyed most of the other Batman films I watched earlier, but this one took itself more seriously I felt. A fine result I thought, only the looks of Mr. Batman himself were not what I'd expect of such a super hero. :P
10) Alexander: I can't say it's a bad movie, but still, I found it absolutely Boring with a capital B! Like watching a documentary for several hours and unfortunately a documentary was not what I asked for. Some pieces were nice of course but as a whole I look back on it as a much too long, elaborate and slow film with very short moments of too fragmented action sequences.
August 05, 2006
Thoughts on work and holidays

Midnight sun in Tromsø

Part of the coast in the north
August 03, 2006
To start
As the small text in my profile describes, I find myself these days in some kind of void. Finished my main studies and no idea what I will do after this summer. I always thought and said I would want to study for one more year, the only thing I never knew though was WHAT that study would be. I checked all the possible one year Master Degrees and none truly appealed to me. Other option would, of course, be looking for a job. That however really isn't my idea of my near future, so I hope my working life could be postponed for a little while at least. Even if I'd try to find a job, I suspect I would be unemployed for several months, so actually I wouldn't be missing out on anything. ;)
Life until now has always seemed very clear, referring to my annual occupation of Student that is. First there was junior high, then high school and afterwards I would go to university or something similar. At university I would study for a minimum of four years (ok, I did it in five ;) ) and then...? The big question mark. Too many opportunities and choices in a way, but at the same time the huge pressure of making the correct decision. I am absolutely sure that I am making too big a fuss about this, but it truly scares the hell out of me that I don't know where I am heading.
Tips are welcome at all times. :)