My first real working days ever are behind me! It wasn't nearly as horrible as I used to expect during my student life, but that will most probably also have depended upon the kind of work I'd have to do. The past three days I was sort of testing out at a company that sells bottles and bags over the internet and it was my job to take care of small tasks that the real employees didn't have time for. :P It started with me calling some customers that hadn't paid their bills yet and others that had given a wrong credit card number. Naughty people that I had to reprimand in other words. :P Quite confusing from time to time, as I had to switch between Dutch, German, English and believe it or not...French! My French sucks, so I was very proud to notice that the customer actually understood what I said, even though she didn't understand what I was calling for. :P Later I had to order bags and take pictures of those for their website, which they liked to refer to as their "sacks-site"... Jeje, great sense of humour. ;) I think it worked out fine, they are now published on the site anyway. My final job during these days was to correct the German version of the bottle-website. Some American owner of the company insisted he had a better knowledge of both German and Dutch than anybody else, so with a little help from an online translator program, he created the website. Anyone who has ever tried using such a tool knows what the result might have looked like. :P All in all I really enjoyed those three days, the people I was working with were all very kind and the office itself was also truly nice to be in. In about one week I should be contacted by the job agency to hear whether they have a real job for me there of whether this was just a three-day-thingy. On Tuesday I have another job interview coming up, so there are other possibilities for me out there. :)
If none of this brings me any job though, I might have to consider taking a career in teaching. During our annual lunch with the relatives of my mothers side, this picture with my sisters glasses was taken. I think I show a lot of authority on it, perfect to control a whole classroom of annoying children that aren't interested in the beautiful language that is German...:P Such a pity that my eyes are still in a good shape, glasses would have meant my breakthrough for such a career. :D

My BBB-class earlier this week was a true joy for painful muscles. It was obvious that I wasn't used to doing such exercises, as I towards the end of the class really couldn't follow the high tempo and make the correct moves and turns. Good that I had positioned myself at the far back of the class, that way not too many people could see me struggle. :P Today my gym card expired, so I will have to find my way back to the swimming pool. Maybe I could take a real subscription to the gym when I start earning some money, but for now this seems impossible. I got truly shocked when I found out how much you had to pay as a non-member for participating in one class. It was 17,5 Euro, just for one hour! You would receive a refund if you decided to go on with it for six more months, otherwise it really was that price for one turn. Horrible I think, because like that it is impossible to make people want to try out some sports and make them do some exercise. My first gym experience was in Finland, where you had to pay 2 Euro for one turn and there the result was that even relatively lazy people as me would do some sports. Only for these horrendous fees I would boycott Belgian gyms. :P
du ser SÅ KLOK och VIS ut med de där glasögonen!!! Kanske kan du få använda sådana glasögon men UTAN "formel". Hey! Jag är så glad att du fick paketet!! Jag var rädd om att det inte skulle nå dig! Var det komplett? Jag menar 3 chokladkakor, ett vykort och ett bokmärke? I alla fall är jag så glad över att den venezuelanska posttjänsten är åtminstone lite pålitlig!!! NJUT AV! :)
Tack tack! Egentligen tror jag att ALLA ser intelligentare ut med glasögon! :P Men jag föredrar solglasögon. :)
Och som jag redan berättade för dig, HELA paketet nådde mig! Jag ser fram till att sluka chokladen! :B Och snart finns det ett paket på väg till Caracas!! Jättestor kram!!!
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