I don't have any big plans for tomorrow anyway. It's a Sunday to begin with and I really don't like organising big things for myself. :P Parties are great, but not if you are the one responsible for it I feel, as it creates too much pressure in a way. Receiving many gifts is fun though.... :P
Winter is really coming now and I love it! This week was the first in which I could wear my new winter coat and such an event is always nice. ;) I don't expect it will snow here any time soon, but hearing from other people that it snowed in their country is already great. I am all the time urging cold weather to stay in Turku, as I really intend to bring my skates there and have a massive snow ball fight. :) Sledging would be cool too. It sucks that alpine skiing is so expensive though, as I would love to do that again. I am of course still a total beginner when it comes to that, but my two times on such ski's weren't so dreadful either. It does remain scary to fall when racing down a steep mountain, so I would need some extra nerves to become better at it I suppose. ;)

Didn't I look like a professional? :P
i have to go to a snow war so no much time to writte!! im sure you will be jealous reading this hehehhe.
i wish you spend a wonderfull day!
Ja må du leva uti hundrade år!
Javisst ska du leva uti hundrade år!
Så, jag hoppas att allting är kul och okej och jag ville påminna dig om när du åker till Fazerland, måste du skicka en liten chokladkaka till mig! Det skulle ju bli en mycket behaglig present :) hahahaha, men nu måste vi fokusera på dig!! Så
Muchas gracias to the both of you. ;)
And yes, I am VERY jealous of your snowy weather there! I want it too!
Visst ska jag köpa Fazergodis åt dig, Thor min! Och kanske får du några belgiska till!
Biiiig abrazo for you guys!
hi kathleen,
auch hier nochmal alles gute zum geburtstag nachträglich. jetzt mußt du nur noch das schiessen lernen, dann kannst du mit natalie santer im weltcup laufen ;-).
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