I've been neglecting this blog... Not that I did not want to write anything, there just wasn't much to share. :P I like this month though, we have three bank holidays in it, which truly improve a working week, especially if the day off is in the middle of it like this last week. At work things go the way they should go, which means it's not that incredibly stressful busy but instead busy enough to never get bored. Even the car part suppliers do their best to keep my attention at a high level, both by being annoying so I need to solve problems day in day out and also by sending me the weirdest emails. Once a German lady sent me some chain mail which said that I would never find true love if I didn't send the email to my entire address book, I bet my boss would have loved to receive it from me. :) Yesterday though a Polish man was keeping a very nice email conversation with me about...nuns. Apparently he knew some Belgian nuns there and he was comparing them to Polish ones and he was very surprised to see that they looked like average women in normal clothing. He said they would look like me... Did I miss my calling?
On a more realistic level (becoming a nun will never be an option :P ) I did think about things to do in the near future, involving big plans and so on. My summer holidays are taking shape and there are other things that people need to work on to be happy. It's so easy to just sit back and see everything roll by without any change. Everybody can change things for themselves, you just need to take some steps and not be too scared or affected by other opinions. Starting with myself of course. :P

1 comment:
I'm just gonna say right off the bat that I definitely don't think you missed your true calling by not being a nun. )
I don't even like nuns anyway, going around dressed like penguins in the daytime... :o my Primary school headteacher was a nun and she was evul!
Anyway, it's always nice to have plans, especially summer plans! And you're right, it is so easy to just lie back and watch as nothing changes and you get on with life as usual.
But we both know life as usual is kinda boring, so keep planning and changing away! )
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