Few things last forever, for sure three days don't. I do know though, that I would have allowed them to.
Tuesday morning I had to wake up very early to catch the first train of the day going to the Netherlands. The dutch railways have quite a bad reputation when it comes to delays and that day I experienced those myself. They worked in my advantage too however, as I managed to catch my also delayed connecting train by five seconds. ;) Finally at nine o'clock I arrived just in time at Eindhoven airport to see Pablo coming through the gate and to welcome him with a huge hug. :) The train ride home was far more pleasant due to the great company and it was absolutely wonderful to catch up with him and just talk about every day stuff.
In the afternoon we went to the city centre of Antwerp where I showed him around and let him taste our real Belgian fries. The weather wasn't exactly what we would have wished for although it was in a way funny to be blown away completely in the narrow streets next to our cathedral. :P But at such times I did envy Pablo for having the short hair he has, especially for pictures it seemed so much more comfortable.
The next day was spent with catching up on some lost sleep from the day before and especially fixing computers... At my house there is more than one computer and that fa
The last day we spent acting like Japanese tourists by first going to Ghent and a bit later taking the train to Brussels to see the most important sights. Again the weather didn't allow huge tours, but going for lunch or a drink inside was also great. :) But as always to all great things has to come an end, so around 6pm we had to run to catch our train to the airport, where we eventually hugged goodbye again. As in Finland I had an incredible time with him and I can't wait to make new plans to meet up, hopefully this summer already. It's weird to see how some things can go and in this case I am especially glad to see how he has come to mean so much to me in a relative short time. It's a happy thought knowing there are several people who truly care.
Hey Kat!
Thanks for your sign in my blog. Is nice to have a Belgium blog wrote in english... I'll read it several times! ;)
I should restart to write in english... maybe after my spanish tests hehehe
Groetjes uit Spanje!
Tot ziens!
I'm sorry for this "late is better than never" comment XD. Any way, you know that I already want to come back and i totally agree with you saying that this 3 days were unforgettable and i really would like to see you sooner than later.
I LOVE YOU!!! ^^
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