June 29, 2007


Seven and a half...six and a half...five and a half....FOUR AND A HALF days left of work until my huge summer break! Work is not letting me get bored or relaxed these past days and the next week predicts to be even worse. It wouldn't be nice to leave a mess behind for my colleagues who will take over my work, so some overtime will be needed I think to clean everything out and take care of the biggest pending issues. I'm still quite happy at work, but I do think that I will evaluate everything after coming back in august. A lot of people are leaving (for a reason) and chances are that I too might go and look for some new opportunities. But there is time to see about that. :)

Regarding TV we call summer often "Cucumber time" over here. It has noting to do with the (in my opinion horrible) vegetable, but it means there is absolutely nothing interesting to watch. This is because people have better things to do when it is warm outside, but as this is not at all the case it is just plain boring. Therefore I now started watching Hellsing, an anime I am not entirely convinced about yet. :P People say its great, but so far it's still a bit ridiculously violent to me, but I'll see how it goes. ;o) Apart from that I've been to the cinema once a week during the past three weeks. First to watch Pirates III (liked it for what it was), Ocean's 13 (better than 12 and very entertaining) and this week Shrek III (funny, but not as fun as the first ones). Now it's counting the days until Harry Potter V... But especially counting the days until I can lie in the sun, relax and start my trips. :)

June 18, 2007

I've got one hand in my pocket

I tend to make a mess sometimes and this weekend again it seemed time to put some order in my computer files. I save loads of stuff, hardly ever delete anything, which causes after a while to make my Viggo run slowly and as I am also very impatient, such a thing would annoy me enough to eventually start going through the huge amount of files and sending some to the bin. ;) The result was this time though that I also found some nice pictures that I hadn't seen in a while and that of course slows down the process of deleting unused files. :P Seeing some pics back, made me decide that I want some more visitors over here. People who've come already are more than welcome to come back and new ones will be welcomed with just as open arms as the first ones. Below collection of foreign friends being touched must grow. :P

Furthermore quite a few people are wondering what weird game I play so often these last few months. Although the real life game of Settlers of Catan is more interactive, the online version is very enjoyable to me as well. ^^ I am very bad at most strategic games and also these sessions end 85 percent of the time in a pop up saying "Kermes is victorious" and a mean voice saying "You loose", but still it is a great moment of entertainment during the day. ;) So now I hope Pablo arrives home in a while and I can start building houses, roads and knights and eventually ask for my possibility of revenge. :P

June 08, 2007

"Emperor's blog, dunno what Moondate"

For all those that long for hearing more Finnish again, or those that like freaky movies or those that just have too much time on their hands...

The full movie can be seen on the official website of the film "In the Pirkinnig" Subtitles are available for those few that don't understand the original version. ;)